Web Page Design Quick Start - Enhance the Page
Use Horizontal rules to divide a Web page into sections.
- To create a horizontal rule:
- Click on the the Horizontal Rule button on the Elements Toolbar.
Or, select Horizontal Rule from the Insert menu.
The Horizontal Rule Properties box is displayed.
- In the Horizontal Rule Property box set:
- Width
Type the width of the horizontal rule, either as a percent of the window width or in pixels. If left blank, defaults to the entire window width.
Example: Horizontal Line Weight is set at 50%
- Height
Type the number of pixels high that you want the horizontal rule to be. If left blank, defaults to 2.
Example: Horizontal Line Height is set at 25 pixels.
- Alignment
Select whether to align the horizontal rule along the left margin, right margin, or centered.
Example: Horizontal Line Width = 50%, Alignment = Centered
- Shadowed
Select this check box for a three dimensional, shadowed look.
Example: Horizontal Line Width = 50%, Shadowed
Example: Horizontal Line Width = 50%, No Shadow
- Click OK.
The horizontal rule is displayed.
- To edit a horizontal rule:
Click on the Right Click Pop-Up menu or use the Edit menu to access Document Properties and Horizontal Rule Properties.
This Web page created in Web Factory.